There was a special machine for the patches.
It worked similar to embroidery. You placed
the patch on the plate that locked in the garment.
From there on you hit the peddle ounce and
stood there and watched. The crucial part
was placing the patch properly on the locking
plate that secured the garment while the actual
sewing took place. Once secured the garment
never moved. The cam on the sewing machine
rotated precisely all along the locking plate.
In a production outfit you’re going broke. He’s not even close.
I had them in the trunk of my car. You want one?
I asked the girl in quality control if I can have one.
She told me no.
How come we’re not getting anymore work?
Ask the General. Your responsible for this.
You can’t get rid of them.
The desert storm ones were my favorite.
They had lining that kept your body at a
certain temperature. Designed for day
or night in the desert. I would wear them
while cod fishing.
Cabelas also made very nice knits.
David Brett
Robert Bruce